My Cat Has Lost His Claw And Its Bleeding , What Do I Do?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your cat needs to be examined by a veterinarian.  The veterinarian will make sure this claw is not infected, prescribe appropriate pain medication, and place a bandage to protect the nail.
Your cat will not die from blood loss through a toe nail.
To stop the bleeding at home use baking soda or corn starch applied to the nail then seek veterinary attention.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh I beg to differ I work for a vet and have seen many different types of animals bleed to death because the toe nail was cut to short etc... It is serious and people don't always make it to the doc soon enough resulting in death. Pressure on the wound until it clots is good, styptic powder can be used in some cases, or get the wound as clean and dry as possible and super glue it together... You got to stop the bleeding! Super glue was first used in surgery so it is safe! Then get to your vet!!!!!!
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
My vet put a glue substance on the opening. It is very painful for the kitty to have lost a nail.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You really need to call the vet you may have to take him/her to see the vet because it could get infected r it could bleed to much and cause the cat to loose a lot of blood and that can result in death. I t also makes it harder to walk on because it is probably very sore.hope it gets better soon!!!!

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