What Age Should I Let My Cat Has Kittens?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I thought these forums were to get your questions answered not to be preached too by strangers!!!
Me and my boyfriend are considering letting our cat have kittens and keeping a couple. Our vet said we should wait til she is at least a yr old. However, she also told us to consider the fact that there are risks and we should think carefully about whether we are wiling to put those to one side to have a litter. But part of me thinks they say that to get you to pay for neutering as her mum had 3 litters and was fine and my parents cat recently had a litter and was fine.
I think if you want to have kittens, go for it!!! But wait til she is at least a yr - let her grow out of being a kitten first!! :)

Good luck!!
Paula Null Profile
Paula Null answered
My vet says a cat should be at least one year old before having kittens.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
The only pill I could find for [feline birth control] in web-searching had had some reports of serious problems. For a household pet, it might be too risky.
Zylemx Carpathius Profile
...Ok... First of All... All Y'all Whom Think You Know Better.., Do Not Even Have a Clue... Second.., You Should NOT let a Cat Outside at One Year Old Because She/He Will NEVER Come Back... I am an Experienced Cat Owner and Have Been Studying Them for Over 15 Years... Also I am an Animal Rescue Person... Here is What Ima Doing With My American Bombay... She Gets to Have ONE Litter No More No Less... The Father is Coming to Live With Us Also... After She Has Her Litter.., Both Cats Will Be Fixed... Ima Keeping the Runt and Hopefully Giving the Rest in Pairs (Hopefully) to Close Friends (so the Mother May Visit Them)... And So the Process Repeats Itself... FYI There is NO SUCH THING AS A PEDIGREE Domestic CAT... Those Titles are Reserved for Foreign/ Exotic Felines... My Cat is Considered "Pedigree" but Why Would I Want to Stress Her Out by Displaying Her on Stage Like Some Sort of Fashion Whore??? Just Saying... The Answer to the Original Question is: One Human Year (21 years old in cat years) to 4 - 5 Human Years (38 - 44 Cat Years)... Did You Know That If a Female Cat Doesn't Have at Least One Litter.., They Become Depressed... And Thus Live Shorter Lives... Food For Thought!
Maverick Coutts Profile
Maverick Coutts answered
Zylemx... I have an 8 month old cat and I let her out, and she comes back fine... A way to 'scent' where they have to come back to is rubbing a little butter on their paws, it scents their trail back to your home... I also recently got a boy cat who has NEVER been out, he is nearly 1 year old, and he has been out a few times now and comes back withour fail ;)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

To the lady who said cats should not go out until they are one years old. What a load of ****. My cats are are 17 years old and both went out from the age of 4 months. Cats are not stupid. It is not cruel to let your cat have kittens, if you advertise them at a high price then they are more likely to go to better homes, than the kittens that go cheaply.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Wow. I think its funny how everyone goes oh its so cruel to breed animals! While I do agree irresponsible people shouldn't there is NOTHING wrong breeding your animals. 

There is some coat varieties that are recessive and sought after and would be much more difficult to find if responsible breeders did not do selective breeding and that goes both ways with their health. 

I also don't agree with breeding any random cat UNLESS there is a specific trait you hope to be gentic. I have three cats and every one I looked online until I saw the "one" and was willing to pay a generous rehoming fee knowing its EXACTLY what I was looking for. 

Kittens raised in a loving home with litters that were PLANNED, big difference, are some of the sweetest adult cats. It is very sad how many cats are strays or in shelters but its at no fault of the responsible breeders. I have adopted cats from shelters in my life as well as bought from breeders. 

Also if it IS a responsible breeder chances are they have NO problem finding homes for their kittens. I had a manx cat years ago and we had two litters before she was fixed. The manxes were always the first to go and people would say how they have always wanted one and were super happy! None of them ended up in shelters! Its psychology too. 

The most exotic or rarest looking kitten is usually the first to go. So of course a standard tabby cat that has an entire tabby litter will have a higher risk of not finding loving homes. That's why if you are going to breed there are many factors to concider. Be responsible. And as far as that goes all I can say is what about HUMAN population control?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should let your kitten out about when she is one years old
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unless you own a pedigreed cat and are a REGISTERED breeder you shouldn't breed your cat.

You have no idea of her genetic history, and won't about the father either.

Take a trip down to your local shelter and see all the kittens who were from "just one litter" and the adults that went to "good homes" only to end up dumped on death row.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The answer is NEVER! There are Way too many unwanted animals that have to be put down now. How can you even think of allowing a litter of kittens that may be abused or abandoned?
thanked the writer.
Tracey Brown
Tracey Brown commented
if she had kittens i would make sure they went to good homes
Paula Null
Paula Null commented
Bonz237, why would you assume Boggabrown would not responsibly make certain the kittens received welcoming homes? You are correct in that many kittens are unwanted and are humanely put down. However, with a caring pet owner, this is not the case.

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