dolly rox
dolly rox answered
A good really cheap way to deworm a dog at home is to feed it a lot of garlic. The worms dong like the taste or smell so they will leave. They don't die, but at least they arnt in your dog anymore. I have used this on a few dogs and it always works. … Read more
dolly rox
dolly rox answered
Diversity is when people come from all different backgrounds, religions, elasticities, etc. It should be valued because without diversity, you can't help but be short-sided and narrow-minded. Knowing other cultures makes you more open to experiences, things and places that you never could have dreamed of without the introduction of something outside your initial knowledge. … Read more
dolly rox
dolly rox answered
If you mean who is the main storyteller in the harry potter books, then it is an unnamed omnipresent nonobjective third person. You can tell because while the narrator comments often of harrys emotion, there is never any input on it. Also, while most of the story is told from harrys point of view, there … Read more