Deborah answered
According to the American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd edition) 'quixotic' is an adjective that means "caught up in the pursuit of unreachable goals; someone who is idealistic without regard to practicality." Also, "capricious, impulsive". This word derives from the name of a character (Don Quixote) in a classic tale of romance by Miguel de Cervantes … Read more
Deborah answered
The phrase "bella vita" translates from Italian into the English adjective phrase "beautiful life", with "vita" meaning 'life', as in the phrase "la dolce vita", which means 'the sweet life'. This root, brought into English via Latin, can be seen in English words like "vitality" and "vital". Your phrases, with "bello/bella" (indicating a male or … Read more
Deborah answered
Actually, in at least one respect Italian is in fact like Spanish or French...all three are descendants of the Latin language, so they belong to the same language family, called the "Italic" family. This family also includes Portuguese, Catalan, Provencal, and Romanian. What this basically means that at some point in history, when Latin was … Read more
Deborah answered question
Whether or not utilities like water, sewer, and garbage collection are the responsibility of the landlord or the tenant is determined by the lease that you signed. This is also true of other utilities such as gas and electricity. In fact, when people claim the Homestead credit on their U.S. Taxes, the tax form specifically … Read more
Deborah answered question
Generally speaking, payday loan companies cannot unilaterally 'extend' a loan unless the person who borrowed the money cannot (or will not) repay it on the date s/he agreed to pay it back, and essentially applies for a new loan to make the promised payment. These are sometimes referred to as "rollover" loans, and you may … Read more
Deborah answered
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell when our furry little friends are in pain since they can't tell us directly. However, if your cat is licking and constantly opening his mouth, he's definitely trying to tell you something. Some common signs of tooth pain in cats include a bad smell coming from the mouth, … Read more
Deborah answered question
Employers in all states in the U.S. contribute 6.2% of every employee's wages (up to $97,500 annually) to social security. The employee also is required to contribute 6.2% of his/her wages, so a total of 12.4% of one's wages up to the $97,500 cap is contributed to social security each year. In addition, employers contribute … Read more
Deborah answered
Specifically, this is referred to by the particularly appropriate acronym SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). You can do a search using "SAD" as the keyword and find a good deal of information on this condition. It's not at all uncommon, particularly in parts of the world with limited hours of sunlight.
Deborah answered question
The more you know about your furry little friend, the more the two of you will enjoy each other! You can start by visiting this site for more information: You can also find other informative sites by searching for "hamster information" on Google or another search engine. Enjoy your new … Read more
Deborah answered question
Congratulations on your upcoming addition! Hamsters can make wonderful pets. How much one will cost depends on where you live. In the United States, hamsters tend to cost around $10, but sometimes if you buy the supplies (cage, water bottle, food, etc.) as a package deal, the pet store will include a free hamster with … Read more
Deborah answered
Not only do tigers have striped skin, regular (tiger-striped) house cats do too! Not just stripes, either...if your cat has spots, his or her skin is spotted as well.
Deborah answered question
The plural possessive form of hero is heroes'. First you make hero plural (heroes), then you put the apostrophe after the 's'. If you wanted to make the singular possessive form, you'd just add 'apostrophe s' to the singular form of the word (hero's).
Deborah answered question
I'm sorry, but according to traditional etiquette, there is no polite way to ask for money on a wedding invitation. Doing so creates the impression that a gift is expected, and while it is true that giving gifts at weddings is customary, it is by no means a requirement. The proper way to let guests … Read more
Deborah answered question
Just a note...the previous answer is correct in that the phrase is spelled 'hors d'oeuvres' when it is being used as a noun: Hors d'oeuvres at four o'clock in the afternoon However, it should be spelled 'hors d'oeuvre' (no final 's') when used as an adjective: Hors d'oeuvre Reception following the ceremony
Deborah answered
It is possible that one might in fact need to differentiate between male and female alumni...for example, in referring to the graduates of an all-female university. The specific forms are as follows: One female graduate = an alumna Multiple female graduates = alumnae One male graduate = an alumnus Multiple male (or mixed male and … Read more
Deborah answered question
Actually, this Latin phrase is in the ablative case (the case used to indicate many of the relationships typically described by prepositions in the English language), and is better translated as "with a strong hand".