Angora rabbits are very furry and were originated in Ankara, turkey. They are the oldest breed of domestic rabbits. They are breed for their long, silky wool, which can be removed by shearing, combing or plucking. These rabbits were proving to be very popular pets for French Royalty and soon spread to other parts of … Read more
A majority of caterpillars are herbivores and only eat leaves. It depends on what species they are. Some caterpillars only eat one type of leave for their whole lives. My advice would be to give it leaves to eat from the tree which you found it on. There are some caterpillars that eat many types … Read more
There are actually 440 species of sharks in the world. They of course live in different waters of the world. All sharks live in salt water except for a few sharks including the bull shark and river shark who can live in both fresh water and seawater. Did you know that sharks can be found … Read more
answered question
Camels are actually native to West Asia, Central and East Asia. They live in deserts mostly in Egypt, China, Mongolia and North Africa.