Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered
She will not be protected against the diseases that dogs are vaccinated for yearly. If she comes into contact with any of these viruses, she will not be protected and will get The expense of treating or trying to treat the disease will out weigh  what it would have cost to protect her with vaccines. Some … Read more
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered
If your cat was not taking medication, then this could be a potential problem. Your  cat should see a veterinarian,take a stool sample to be checked. This could be blood from high in the GI tract,a liver problem,etc,,,,, Your cat may need bloodwork and x-ray to diagnose what is wrong. It could be from parasites,or irritated … Read more
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered
When you are dealing with a mixed breed,there is no standard for what they are to look like. The offspring will have characteristics of mother,father,or both.They can also take on characteristics of the grandparents, including color,size,haircoat texture and length. By 15 months, the adult coat  should be in.The coat may also change after the hair gets … Read more
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered question
It could be anything from a skin tag,papilloma,cyst,wart, histiocytoma. If it's bothering the animal,definately have it checked. If it's gotten darker in color,gotten large quick,have it checked.Keep an eye on it.it might be able to be removed under a local.Ask your vet.
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered
Yes,have her checked ASAP. This could be an autoimmune disease,very bad worm(internal parasite) infestation.Take a stool sample into the vet. This could be from shock.Blood loss,etc..This could be something easy to fix or something more complicated. You need to have the puppy checked.
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered question
This is called nesting and this is common for them to do this even weeks before labor. Watch her closely. Do you have a whelping box for her, or a place-out of the way- to have her puppies. She may choose her own,despite what you have for her anyway.
Kandi Oglenski
Kandi Oglenski answered question
She may have caused a lot of irritation from coughing hard and so much ,as well as the spitting up.The irritation may have irritated to the point of being sore and may cause bleeding in the esophagus/trachea.Please have her checked by a vet. Soon.