Ah the old pull out method doesn't work every time. My first pregnancy was a result of that method it was about a year of having unprotected sex before I got pregnant though and you think you would learn but my current pregnancy is a result of that as well I got pregnant in 5 … Read more
Bad time to have sex if you don't want a baby.It usually takes five weeks until your pregnancy test will show positive results if you are pregnant. But if the lines matched the positive test result on the instructions no matter how faint it is chances are you probably are pregnant.Go to a doctor or take … Read more
answered question
If you have no cuts or openings on your hand and you washed your hands your fine.I care for people with HIV, Hep. ,and many other things contracted through blood and bodily fluids and you are absolutely fine with no cuts and especially since you washed your hands, no worries :)