Nico morris
Nico morris voted up
Politics is a science as it is a study of the interaction of human behaviour. Science uses collective data to bring about rational facts , they obtain this collective data by carrying out experiments and through observation. Political science used different methodically to de terim facts about human interaction with the forces that regulates them
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up Rick Byrd's answer
Is there life on other planets? This is a question I have wondered about for many years. I don't know if there are very many planets in our galaxy that support life. We (humans) have probed some small part of it to find suitable conditions for life just like ours. I'm talking about humans, not … Read more
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up Peter Zul's answer
In layman's terms: Take a grain of sand, for example. Now try to imagine how many more grains of sand there are on all the beaches of the world. There are more suns/stars than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world combined. What are the odds of there being a … Read more
Nico morris
Nico morris commented on Nicola Swindells' answer
Yes and what about scale,perhaps the solar system is an atom in the eyebrow of a mosquito on a much larger system? Or our atoms are universes that contain billions of planets where our ancestors are all living giggling at these pondering and sipping tea some with time and density
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up phil peacock's answer
There's some amusing answers given up there. First thing is, don't go bringing ANY kind of religious belief into any such question - it's like saying you can now scientifically prove that ghosts exist, and also that Santa is likely to be true too. Religion is 100% a 'belief' and is a story you either … Read more
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up Connor Ross' answer
Hi, I'm Connor and I'm 13. No-one knows exactly, but if a planet is in the Goldilocks zone, then there is a good chance that there could be life. Take Keppler 22b for example: It's bigger than earth, but it is mainly blue, which hints it is either rocky (like Earth) or a gas giant … Read more
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up Patrick Wick's answer
The way I see it, what if the life-forms of a planet are relevant to the conditions of the planet they were created on...? For example: Every life form on this planet ranges between 40-80% water. The Earth's surface is 71% water (Due to the vast size of the Earth, it is hard to calculate … Read more
Nico morris
Nico morris voted up Mike Anderson's answer
We have no proof yet, but it would require the ultimate in arrogance to believe that, of all the uncountable stars in the universe, not even one would have a planet with conditions that would allow life as we know it to exist. Beyond that, life has a way of adapting to conditions that we … Read more