How big do humans get, 6 - 60 stone, how big do Akitas get, 6 - 16 stone depending on the owners mental health state. I would say an Akita at 11 stone like mine is overweight, 12 - 14 stone obese, 14 - 16 stone morbidly obese and nearing death. 8 - 10 stone … Read more
He snores and farts a lot, he likes human company, and takes to strangers within half an hour or so. He rarely barks, maybe for postman, that's about it. When we're at home we rarely see him, he tends to lay in the hallway or in the kitchen on hard cold floors. My Akita is … Read more
Is 7years old, 29 inch at shoulder, and 155 pounds, vet said he is about 20lbs overweight. He has met, played with and socialised with hundreds of other dogs and has attacked 3' a staffy, a brown choc lab and a black lab, don't know why, I don't understand doggy language. I have 2 boys … Read more
This person seems to be the only person that know what they're talking about. 200lb Akita and no fat on it, lol, don't make me laugh. Everyone seems to be an expert, and I bet you they have owned 1 or maybe 2 Akitas in their whole lives. Let's stick to facts: All Akitas are … Read more