Jen answered
There can be numerous effects of stereotyping, with much dependent on the actual content of the stereotype. For example, Asians have been stereotyped as the "model minority," meaning that they are perceived to be very intelligent, overzealous students/workers. The problem with this particular stereotype is that individuals who do not meet such high expectations can … Read more
Jen answered
Based on your description (small bite w/ red ring around it), I'd be concerned that this was ringworm. Ringworm is highly contagious and can be passed from your canine friend to humans. You should have your pup checked out immediately. If it is ringworm - it's not difficult (or expensive) to treat, but it is … Read more
Jen answered
An ethnic group is a group of individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics which differentiate them from other collectivities within a society.  Distinct cultural behaviors are developed, and ethnic groups can be identifiable in terms of religion, politics, occupation, or language.
Jen answered
Ethnicity denotes a group of individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics which differentiate them from other collectivities within a society.  Distinct cultural behaviors are developed, and ethnic groups can be identifiable in terms of religion, politics, occupation, or language.  Because it is based in cultural differences, ethnicity is … Read more
Jen answered question
When my dog was pregnant, the vet told us to watch for mastitis (which refers to the hardening/swelling of the nipple(s).  Since it is usually caused by infection, your dog will need antibiotics.  You should call your vet immediately and have her treated since she may pass the infection to her young pups (whose immune systems may … Read more
Jen answered
Punishment is a response to behaviors that are deemed unacceptable by an individual or a group (such as parents, an organization, and/or society).  Some say it is intended to correct the problematic behavior, while others would argue that punishment is enacted upon an offending individual simply as a means by which to retaliate against his or … Read more
Jen answered question
This question cannot be answered as it is asked.  When we talk about a dual labor market, we're referring to a economic situation in which a majority group has access to the better jobs and job-related resources than those in a minority group.  Those in the minority group are relegated to lower status jobs that pay lower … Read more
Jen answered
My rottweiler had her pups within the same week she started producing milk, but I'm not sure if this would be the case for all breeds.  It's probably pretty safe to assume that your dog is getting very close to whelping if she's started to produce milk already.
Jen answered
Wow, this is probably a question with an infinite number of answers.  Here are several ways that the internet has affected people's lives:

1. Extensive internet use/availability has facilitated the development of more cosmopolitan network ties among individuals who have never met before face-to-face.
2. For some, it replaces genuine face-to-face social interaction with a … Read more
Jen answered
It depends.  If the individual is convicted of a crime while considered a juvenile (under the age of 18), his or her record will be sealed at the age of 18.  When a record is sealed, individuals other than criminal justice personnel cannot access it.

If the individual is convicted of a crime after he or … Read more
Jen answered
The crime of forced or coerced unwanted sex between two individuals is legally classified as rape and is punishable by law. Instances in which one person takes advantage of another who is intoxicated or under the influence of another illegal substance is also classified as an act of rape.  

From the sociological perspective, rape … Read more
Jen answered
She will need extra nourishment while she is nursing, so you should feed her a high quality puppy food.   Purina ProPlan is a decent-quality pet food that is extremely affordable.  However, Eukanuba brand puppy food is also great.  And either one of these foods will be great for making a "puppy gruel" when you are ready to start … Read more
Jen answered
Your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Micro and macro refers to the level of analysis used in a particular research study.  A micro-level analysis will provide insight into the way individuals, small groups, of small organizations operate.  A macro-level analysis, however, will tell you something about institutions, LARGE organizations, or how an entire … Read more
Jen answered
Auguste Comte coined the term "sociology."  He was the first to suggest that a group of specially trained individuals should study how society was changing as a result of the Industrial Revolution.  As a consequence of his eccentric behaviors, others eventually regarded Comte as a quack - especially after Comte suggested that the Pope abdicate and allow … Read more