BY a Teenager
BY a Teenager
co-existance of human beings with other living things
This is an interesting question.
Your first instinct might be, “Why, what nonsense! We're the ones who domesticate animals! We, after all, do as we like. Not so dogs, cats, cattle, and so on.”
Consider, though. How do we domesticate animals? Is it safe to keep a wolf as a pet? An aurochs? A wildcat? Oh, sure, people try . Those people die an awful lot, and even if they don't die, their homes and lives are often destroyed.
What we did was, over tens of thousands of years, carefully culled out the “bad” ones. We sent them back into the wild, or killed them, or chained them up to kill gladiators. Over millions of generations, we kept only the ones that developed hard-wired instincts to abhor harming humans.
Sound familiar?
Over hundreds of thousands of years, when a human caused mayhem in the tribe, we kicked them out to starve or get eaten, or killed them outright, or sent them out to war and get killed by other tribes. And, largely, what sorts of humans do we have today? The ones that think it's a real hoot to slice up other humans? No.