
Why Do Both Of My Dogs Lick Their Feet Excessively And Their Feet Stink Like Corn Chips?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Feet chewing in dogs can be due to behavioral problem or pathology. Dogs usually chew their feet when relaxing or getting bored. Among pathological factors, itching and stress are major cause of feet chewing. This itching can be due to contact and inhalant allergies and nutritional deficiencies like vitamin A, fatty acids, zinc and protein.  You should look for the following on your dogs feet.
  1. Lumps or pumps
  2. Swelling and redness
  3. Wound or abscess
  4. Cut
  5. Thorn
  6. Crusty or flaky Feet.
If your doge are having any of the above mentioned symptoms then take them to vet for diagnosis and treatment. If they are chewing their feet without any problem then this can be their behavior. You can treat this behavioral problem by applying topical preparations available from the pet stores.

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