Not because it's a different time of the year, but because if he isn't fixed, and there is a female near, he will smell the female in heat, and will want to react to that. If you get him fixed, he won't be like that anymore. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
Tomcat behavior is usually pretty consistent year around. Toms tend to be very affectionate towards their people and if they are allowed to be outside, they usually have several homes in the neighborhood. If there are females in the area, then he may disappear for a few days because he has gone "courting" Once the female gets pregnant then he will usually come home. Sometimes he will have battle wounds from fighting other tomcats. It is best to have your cat neutered to avoid contributing to the pet overpopulation problem.
Hello my cat acts really strangely.he is normally all the time runing up and down chasing things and playing about but these last days he has been hiding in places were we took hours to find or he just sits there and does nothing he just sleeps wen he normally runs around but he also does not react when I pester him a wee tiny bit.but he is an indoor cat!
Yes the females becomes sexually active mostly in February to april. So the male cat's will change in that time, the males will fight hard to domain the area they live in and the females.
Yes they do I have a female cat and a male cat and ever since the weather started getting better he has suddenly changed it probably means that there is female cats in heat around the area and he wants to mate!
My neuterd tom cat of 3yrs old has been missing for 4 nights and 3 days. It is bitter cold -10 degrees, heavy snow. He has only ever once befor gone for 2nights this is the longest. I have 2 other toms also neut ed and one queen also done.can my cat survive this cold and do you think he has gone for good as been looking and calling also really worried for him .