Dear Gator Blu,
Because I have moved around so much I felt unable to keep a pet, but I still love them so much...this photo reminds me of Hawnie, my friend Peggy's beloved companion for 21 years. Peggy was there when Hawnie was born, named her Hawnie after Goldie because of her wet golden wrinkly birth fur.
Anyone who meditates you know how much your kitty loves that, and Hawnie never missed a meditation with Peggy and me.
Finally when the time came, Peggy was just unable to accompany Hawnie for her final visit to the vet, and so I said YES for my dear little friend. The vet showed me how to hold her head, and I talked to her the whole time, and I will never forget the wonderful surprise and delight on her face as the shot took hold.
Being with Hawnie in her final moments was a comfort to Peggy, and truly a privilege for me that I will never forget.