Go to a GOOD VETERINARIAN - they can clean your bunny up. Tell them about the urine, it could be an infection. Hope it helped!
My unneutered male bunny pees orange, and constantly pees on the shelf in his cage. I feel bad when I come home from work and his bum is so messy from sitting in it. Any suggestions on how to clean him? Baths barely work.Should I take the shelf out? I am just nervous for his safety and I am not sure if it is normal for him to do that every day...some people say yes some say no. Please help me and my beloved bun!
Do you feed your bunny lots of carrots? If so, that's why he's peeing orange. Bunnies will usually choose one area to "use the bathroom" I would suggest removing the shelf for a little while, let him get used to using the bathroom somewhere else, once he does, try putting the shelf back in!
I honestly wouldn't worry about the colour of his pee, it varies from yellow to brown in rabbits depending on what they have been fed. As Angela said, carrots will likely turn it orange, or it could be excess iron being expelled.
Meanwhile, place an absorbent towel on his shelf and wash it as soon as you see he has soiled it. It will be a bit of a pain I know, but at least he won't be sitting in his own mess which will make life more comfortable for him.
I hope the little guy is better soon.
By the way, I think you might like this video, it's so cute!
Why keep him caged?