How many family members do you have? I have my mum (Ashleigh), my dad (David), my sister (Isabelle) and my cat (Tiny)


7 Answers

Shane Smith Profile
Shane Smith answered
My mom dad my three sis my dog cat and like 45 goats
December's Tears Profile
5sis, 4bro, 3dogs,5cats, a tank of fish, a mom,and a stepdad
Dylan Lemke Profile
Dylan Lemke answered
4 sisters, 2 bros, one dad, one mom, one cat, one dog, one hamster, sooo 11
Lianna Lins Profile
Lianna Lins answered
4 awesome brothers, 2 silly sisters, a mum & dad and a hamster. So that makes 10 of us (though we aren't all living together mind you!) Big families rock! =D

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