What is the 4 differences between animal tissue and plant tissue?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Plant tissue

1) they've a stationary phase.

2) they do not require lot of energy

3) they have more dead cells as it produces mechanical energy

4) they are able to make their own food

5) they are of 2 types - meristematic and permanent tissue

Animal tissue

1) they've locamative phase

2) they require a lot of energy

3) they have more living cells.

4) they cannot make their own food and depend on other organism

5) they are of 4 types - epithelial , connective , muscular and nervous tissue

Jillian Peppe Profile
Jillian Peppe answered
The 4 differences between animal tissue and plant tissue is the ability of plants to internally manufacture their own food.  Animal cells do not have a cell wall instead of a cell wall, the plasma membrane is the outer boundary of animal cells.  Animal cells do not have plastids, which are common in plant cells (chloroplasts).  During telophase of mitosis, a cell plate is formed as the plant cell begins its division.  In animal cells, the cell pinches in the center to form two cells and no cell plate is laid down.

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