
How Do I Prepare Canaryseed / Alpiste?


1 Answers

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Anonymous answered
How do I prepare canaryseed?

To prepare one serving of canaryseed milk, also called leche alpiste:

Soak overnight.

Measure 5 tablespoons of Silica Fiber Free canaryseed into a container filled with 8-12 ounces of water (a full glass). Soak overnight.

Strain and rinse.

Strain or pour off the soaking water and rinse the canaryseed thoroughly in fresh water until the rinse water is clear.


Put the soaked seeds in the blender with 8-12 oz of fresh water, milk or unsweetened juice and any other ingredients you might enjoy in a blended drink. Possibilities include fresh or frozen fruits, unsweetened yogurt, coconut milk, almond milk, flaxseed oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, ginger (grated or powdered), tahini (sesame butter), brewed roiboos or green tea... For sweeteners, we recommend avoiding refined sugars and instead using agave nectar or stevia.

You may prepare enough canaryseed milk (leche alpiste) for two days and keep it in the refrigerator. Because the canaryseed can settle to the bottom of the container, make sure to re-blend or stir it briskly before pouring a serving.

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