I would have your dog examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of the swelling. It could be an insect bite, trauma, infection, or secondary to a tumor. It is much easier to suggest treatment when we know what the problem is. You can try giving Benadryl at a dose of 1 milligram per pound of body weight by mouth three times a day. Do not use the Cold and Sinus variety only plain Benadryl is safe.
I Woke Up This Morning And My Dog's Foot Was Swollen Up Pretty Big. What Should I Do To Get The Swelling To Go Down?
I got home from work and my dog was fine. I walked her and she was fine. Once she came inside she ate and laid down, when she got up about 20 min later she was limping and now about 4 hours later it is swelling up. What might this be and what can I do for her.
My dogs foot swells up a lot of the time ? He was treated as his immune system was not up to it as a puppy he is now 8 and this swelling still occurs ( like to day ) it makes him limp but he is still eating & seems happy . Swelling goes down after a day or two , I have not tried drugs ( nor the dogs ) I'm not sure what to give him maybe pain killers ? Hes happy for now!