Now that we have brought the measurement of the diameter of a ping-pong ball (of which the measurement was given in terms of inches) and the measurement of the cabin of a Boeing 747 aircraft (of which the measurement was given in terms of feet and inches) into a common unit of measurement, namely centimeters, we can now proceed to divide the measurement of the cabin of the Boeing 747 aircraft (in centimeters) by that of the measurement of the diameter of the ping-pong ball (in centimeters) to get the number of ping-pong balls that can be kept in the Boeing aircraft.
Therefore, the measurement of the cabin of the Boeing 747 aircraft (in centimeters) divided by that of the measurement of the diameter of the ping-pong ball (in centimeters) equals 6, 863.08/3.5052, which is equal to almost 1, 958. Therefore 1, 958 ping-pong balls can be kept in a Boeing aircraft.