
Can You Tell Me Some Interesting Facts About Horses?


15 Answers

Taylor Edgar Profile
Taylor Edgar answered
Horses and ponies are measured in hands. A hand is equivalent to four inches. Anything less than 14.2 hands is classed as a pony. The tallest horse ever recorded was a massive 21 hands and weighed 1,370kg. The smallest was only 36cm!

There are more than 150 breeds of horses in the world.

The oldest horse ever recorded was called Old Billy and lived for a whopping 62 years. Old Billy was born in 1760 and spent his life towing barges along canals in Lancashire. He died in 1822.

The longest ever verifiable jump was 8.3 metres in 1951 by Amado, a horse owned by Colonel Lopez Del Hierro.

The fastest recorded horse was Grand National winner, Red Rum. He completed the 1973 Grand National course, a distance of 4.5 miles, in 9 minutes 1.9 seconds. This meant the punters' favourite was averaging about 30 miles per hour! Not bad for a race horse on a course with jumps!
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Do you know from where family horses belong and why? Interestingly, horses belong to  "equus" family, which is a Greek word and it's meaning is quickness. There are more than 350 breeds of horses. To determine the age of horses, it's teeth are counted. Weight of a horse is about 11.84 pounds. A horse drinks about 10 gallons of water per day. Horses also give facial expressions according to their moods. Old Billy had the oldest age among horses and it lived for 62 years. Get a number of other interesting facts about horses from the given link:

Interesting facts about Horses

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Q. What are wolf teeth (in a horse)?
A. Wolf teeth are vestigial premolars in a horse, meaning they have lost most of their function as they evolved through history. They can cause the horse a lot of problems and pain, and it is highly recommended that if a horse does develop them, they should be pulled. Think of them as a horse’s wisdom teeth.
2. Q. Humans and horses are the only mammals that ______?
A. Sweat.
3. Q. What is a Galvayne's groove?
A. It is a dark indentation in the upper corner of a horse’s incisors. It is only visible in horses of a certain age, and depending on whether or not it can be seen, how long it is, and where it is (at the top of the tooth or at the bottom) it may be helpful in determining a horses' age.
• First appears at the gum line in horses about 10 years of age. Each year, the groove will extend a little farther down the tooth.
• It is expected to be about halfway down the tooth at 15 years of age, and all the way down (visible from top to bottom) at 20 years of age.
• After 20 years of age, the Galvayne's groove begins to disappear from the tooth, starting at the top. By approximately 25 years of age the Galvayne's groove will be gone from the top half of the tooth, but still visible on the bottom half.
• By the time a horse is 30, it is expected to be gone completely.
4. Q. What is unique about Arabians, compared to other breeds of horses?
A. Arabians have one less rib, one less lumbar bone, and one or two fewer tail vertebrae than other horses.
5. Q. How many toes do horses have?
A. Technically, the horse has three toes, encased in the hoof. The splint bone, which is higher up on the leg and attached to the cannon bone, is also believed to be the remnants of one of their four prehistoric toes.
6. Q. What is the difference between a mule and a hinny?
A. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse (a mare), while a hinny is the offspring of a male horse (a stallion) and a female donkey (a jenny).
7. Q. How much saliva does a horse produce per day?
A. Ten gallons
8. Q. Can horses sleep standing up?
A. This is actually not true, they cannot fall asleep standing upright. They will lock one of their hind legs and begin to doze off, but they do not actually fall asleep. A horse must be laying in a recumbent position to truly fall asleep.
9. Q. What type of vision do horses have?
A. Monocular vision. This means that they can see a different image by both eyes. In other words, they can see two different images at once. They also have better night vision than humans.
10. Q. In which culture are horses considered a highly sacred animal?
A. Celtic.
12. Q. What is the scientific name for the horse, and what is the meaning of the family name?
A. The modern horses’ scientific name is Equus caballus. Equus is of greek origin, and it means quickness.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Horses are even toed ungulates
every blaze on a horses head is different no two are a like
in the wild it is the mare that will decide when the herd will move to a new area not the stallionThe tallest horse on record was a Shire named Samson. He was 21.2
hands (7 feet, 2 inches) tall. He was born in 1846 in Toddington Mills,
England.The oldest horse on record is "Old Billy," an English barge horse.
was 62 years old when he died, living from 1760 to 1822.The record for the highest jump made by a horse is held by a horse named
Huaso who jumped 8 feet, 1 and 1/4 inches on February 5th, 1949 in Vina del
Mar, Chile. He was ridden by Captain Alberto Larraguibel.
The record for the longest jump over water is held by a horse named
Something who jumped 27 feet, 6 and 3/4 inches on April 25, 1975 in
Johannesburg, South Africa. He was ridden by Andre Ferreira.
  • Horses cannot breathe through their mouths.
  • Horses have a prehensile upper lip. Prehensile means "adapted for
    seizing, grasping, or taking hold of something." Their upper lips are very
    sensitive and capable of feeling the smallest of differences in objects.

At right: A horse's nostrils and upper lip.
  • All horses, regardless of when they were actually born, are considered to
    have a common birthday of January 1. This is one of the reasons most horsemen
    don't like their foals to be born late in the year: Even if a foal is born on
    December 31st he or she will have their first birthday the very next day.
  • Scientists believe that the first known ancestor of the horse lived
    about 50 million years ago. This prehistoric horse is called Eohippus
    and had four padded toes on the front legs and three padded toes on the
    back legs. Eo means "dawn" and hippus means "horse," so Eohippus is
    "dawn horse."

  • A horse's splint bones are thought to be remnants of toes from
    prehistoric horses. The splint bones are small bones (about the size of a pencil
    at the top and tapering down to be much smaller) found on each side of
    the cannon bone.

    In the photo to the right the red arrow is pointing to a small bulge that is
    a splint bone that has "popped." This happens when the splint bone becomes detached
    from the cannon bone. A splint might become detached due to a nutritional
    imbalance or trauma. It is usually not a cause for concern. In most cases a popped
    splint will cause mild pain to the horse but when the splint has "set" or
    healed it is completely pain free and is not a health or soundness concern.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The 'horse birthday' is actually on August the 1st because this is the start of the breeding season. It is unreasonable to assume it is on January 1st because most foals are born from September trough to January (in spring). This may only be true in Australia I am not sure but I breed horses for a living (going on 23 years) and I would hate to think that my breeders association has been celebrating the 'horse birthday 6 months early.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A normal body temperature is up to 100-01 degrees
lizlovesogee suzie Profile
One of the coolest facts that I know of is... Mouthwash is a liniment for horses legs n... Horses don't try to be funny they just are... They have human personalities

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