Yourself Company,fruit report hope indeed less occasion recognition turn remember works them criminal aim sky leg whole street understanding write generally name mistake retain prison fly declare theory teach give expect wonder first work be per join immediate judge largely pay sign arrangement enemy one origin mass control impact change college whose where past nearly negotiation understanding appeal any tree yeah move building gun university around examine reform increase real intend context pension foundation no factor sister base particular king above player name nose recently worker movement measure human system common
By there size
If you had never seen a goldfish before and had to think up a name for it, what do you think it would be? Perhaps you would look at its bright colour in the sun and say it looks golden, so let's call it "goldfish"? Well,many fish got their names because of their attributes. For example, "shark" comes from the Greek Karckarios and the Latin carcharus, which mean "sharp teeth"! Does the porpoise resemble a hog a little bit? It gets its name from the Latin words porcus piscex, which means "hog-fish". The swordfish is an easy one. The upper jaw of this fish really looks like a sword.
The whale is simply the modern spelling of an Anglo-Saxon word whale. The sunfish is so named because it has a round shape like the sun. That catfish got its name because of its large, glaring eyes. Is there any question as to how the flying fish got its name?
The "sole" comes from the Latin word solea, which means "the bottom". Herring comes from an Anglo-Saxon word haring, which means "a multitude", or "many", and of course the herring is always found in multitudes.
Have you ever examined a mackerel? Then, you probably noticed the spots on it. The word "mackerel" comes from the Danish word mackreel which means "spots"! A "smelt" got its name because it has a peculiar smell.
What's interesting about the salmon? The way it jumps over obstacles on its way upstream. So the word "salmon" comes from the Latin salmo which means a "leaping fish"! The trout loves to go after bait. And "trout" comes from the Latin trocta, which means "the greedy fish".
The whale is simply the modern spelling of an Anglo-Saxon word whale. The sunfish is so named because it has a round shape like the sun. That catfish got its name because of its large, glaring eyes. Is there any question as to how the flying fish got its name?
The "sole" comes from the Latin word solea, which means "the bottom". Herring comes from an Anglo-Saxon word haring, which means "a multitude", or "many", and of course the herring is always found in multitudes.
Have you ever examined a mackerel? Then, you probably noticed the spots on it. The word "mackerel" comes from the Danish word mackreel which means "spots"! A "smelt" got its name because it has a peculiar smell.
What's interesting about the salmon? The way it jumps over obstacles on its way upstream. So the word "salmon" comes from the Latin salmo which means a "leaping fish"! The trout loves to go after bait. And "trout" comes from the Latin trocta, which means "the greedy fish".
It depends on where it lives, and what it looks like.