
Can I Shave My "Pomeranian" And If So Will It Grow Back?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
"if you were to NOT shave it during summer and/or hot weather for they could over heat and DIE. So to the idiot who said "why would you do that?" well, that is why. Stupid."

You might want to do some research before you start being so dramatic, it is better to not shave pomeranians for two reasons:
1. It can damage the undercoat, causing it to grow back very coarse.
2. The double coat that they have is much better at preventing them from getting heat stroke then shaving them would be. The two layers of fur are like insulation, keeping the hot air out in the summer and doing the same with the cold air in the winter. Stupid.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I shave my pom every summer and she loves it! She has a whole new personality and her hair grows back exactly the same
Adi Hadzavdic Profile
Adi Hadzavdic answered
Yes you can shave it and yes the fur does grow back.
A. McCallister Profile
A. McCallister answered
Yes you can shave him but why do you want to do that? Is it a health issue? You could call a dog groomer to get the best answer. Oh and it should grow back but not as nice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My groomer shaved my 1 yr old Pom -the Pom seems to be devastated - is this normal and if so will his personality return to normal in time?  I am so sad for him. I requested a trim not a shave.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can, but it's not advisable, as the Pomeranian has a special double layer coat that helps them control their temperature in hot and cold weather.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can shave your pomeranian and of course it will grow back. The only health issues here would be for the DOG if you were to NOT shave it during summer and/or hot weather for they could over heat and DIE. So to the idiot who said "why would you do that?" well, that is why. Stupid.

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