
What To Do If Dog Has Swollen Eye?


9 Answers

Emma kay Profile
Emma kay answered
In order to help treat your dogs swollen eye, it is necessary to first determine what has caused the infection or irritation in the first place. Typically if the eye infection was caused by debris or an allergic reaction then you should be able to treat it with an over the counter eye wash or dog specific eye drops. Some eye conditions can be very serious in dogs and may require veterinary care or surgery. The main causes of swollen eyes in dogs are conjunctivitis, scleritis, blepharitis and eyelid tumours.

Conjunctivitis is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, corneal disease, eyelid infections, parasites, foreign matter or tear duct disorders. The eye will appear red and swollen and have a discharge. In order to treat conjunctivitis you can purchase antibacterial ointments for your dog or sometimes anti-inflammatory medications. Blepharitis can be recognised by red and swollen eyelids, itching, abscesses, sensitivity to light, spasms of the eyelids and a thick discharge. In order to treat belpharitis in your dogs eyes you can flush out the eyes, use antibacterial ointments or, in some cases, use prednisone. Eyelid tumours can be recognised as small lumps around the eyelid. In most cases these tumours are benign but will require surgery. If you suspect that your dog has an eyelid tumour then you should take him to your veterinarian. If the tumours are small they can be treated without surgery, this will often take place by freezing them.

If you have tried home treating your dogs swollen eye and it is showing no signs of improvement then it is important that you should get it diagnosed by a veterinarian. If you do not treat your dog's swollen eye properly or leave it untreated it could lead to your dog losing his or her vision.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Many of the things that irritate a dog's eye need treatment and diagnosis by a veterinarian and can have some serious consequences for your pet if you choose not to. Cherry eye (swollen gland), entropian (rolled in eyelids), distichiasis (extra eyelashes inside the eye), infection, serious eye diseases (can often be indicated by discolored eyes or eye whites as well), ulcers or scratches (can result in severe infection if not treated soon enough and is usually fairly easy and inexpensive if caught in time and the eye having to be removed if it hasn't popped out or exploded already), chemical burns/sensitivity to shampoos, and blocked tear ducts, and infection are all common and can be very painful and affect your pets vision (blindness) and some other nasty stuff, so if your dog has an eye problem or so much as eyes that tear regularly they need to be seen to be sure. It can also indicate that your pet is not feeling well, has some other problem or disease, or is ill and needs treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many factors which can cause your dog's eye swelling. Most common cause of eye swelling in dogs is allergy to toxins of insect bite. Inflammation of the conjunctiva due to bacterial or viral infection is another cause of eye swelling. Some foreign bodies like splinters or grass in the eyes can also cause eye irritations leading to eye swelling.

You should not waste your time in searching answers and getting treatments from the internet. Eyes problems can lead to permanent vision problems. So, it will be ideal to take your dog to vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dog just got bit in the face around his eye by another pit an his eye is swollen shut an has yellow stuff coming out of it what do I do??
Elaine Vellianitis Profile
Please don't put salt water anywhere near your dogs eye. Your dog will hit the ceiling in pain and you can cause permanent damage and possible blindness in your dogs eye. With eye injuries, never try to do anything to the eye yourself. The eyes are a very sensitive area and nothing to mess around with. Your dog needs to see a vet! The vet will be able to tell you, why your dog's eye is swollen and treat it effectively.
thanked the writer.
Elaine Vellianitis
Ask any vet and they will tell you the exact same thing I just said. It does not clean anything. It aggravates it and makes the situation worse than it already is.
Anonymous commented
No it doesnt.. If u dont know these things stop posting comments.. U can wash it with salty water and it will HELP it not make it WORSE
Anonymous commented
What a load of rubbish,salt water wll not cause pain,my dog (german Shepherd) has a severelly swollen eye,but the vet said she is too old to operate on and she is comfortable.
But she just cant wait to go swimming in the ocean,so unless she is a masochist I doubt that she is feeling any Pain.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog did this about a year ago!!!she was allegict to the floor cleaner I had used ,when I phoned my vet(who we have had for 30+years she told me to get some anti-hystameans from boots and she was fine a few days later.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I believe there is a difference between saline solution and salt water. I do not think I would mix salt and water at home and put it in my dogs eye. Saline solution is prepared for the purpose of rinsing eyes. Buy saline solution.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We live in the country and I think our dog got in a fight with a coyote. (sorry bad speller)

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