
How Do I Train My Pitbull To Listen?


2 Answers

Lyndsey Wheeler Profile
Lyndsey Wheeler answered
Find out what gets his attention and use it to your advantage say something he likes to eat start with something simple like sit hold it above his head if you can get him to sit holding his favourite thing you can get him to do anything be patient and when he does what you ask wean him off it slowly until its just your command that gets him to do it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lots of training from him or her being a pup. Training flys past them when they are adults. Sometimes they can get aggressive because thats there nature at a certain age, I would get rid of it if it's adult already you wont train it, once he or she is adjusted to someone else. Or secretly use a dog whistle everytime he or she misbehaves, they will learn right from wrong

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