
How Do Polar Bears Survive?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The polar bears white fur is not made of fiber optics, but instead they are hollow. To keep warm, a polar bear has two types of fur; a top layer and an under layer. The top layer is made up of long oily hairs which act like a winter jacket does; it is the protective layer which keeps the polar bear warm and dry. When a polar bear goes for a swim, the top layer keeps the under layer from getting wet. When they are done, they can shake the water off, like a dog.  The under layer is a soft layer of fur that acts like a sweater does. It is thick and woolly, and keeps the bear warm. All the little spaces between the hairs are just like the little spaces between the threads of a sweater, it holds on to warm air, which keeps the polar bear warm. Under those layers is blubber. Each hair also has little spaces to hold more air, which makes polar bear hair very good when keeping polar bears warm. Theses hairs also help them float. Their white fur is used as camouflage which prevents a predators attack! They also have strong and wide paws and nose powerful enough to detect prey that is miles away. This is basically how a polar bear survives. I hope I answered your question! :D

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The have a big nose so the air heats up before it goes to their lings to prevent shock
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Polar bears have black skin that catches sun rays which keeps them warm. They have lots of food there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because they have there thick coat to keep warm and sharp claws to catch fish
Alexander Selkirk Profile
The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas.  The Arctic Ocean surrounds the North Pole.  Antarctica is the continent surrounding the South  Pole, a world away.  There are no Polar Bears there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Polar bears have a thick coat to keep them warm and they have big feet to stop them from slipping everywhere on the ice and also to stop them from breaking the ice
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They can live in cold places because they have lots of fur that keeps the warm in and they have a small tail so none of the warm can get out.

Hope that answered your question

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