
Did The Dodo Bird Jump Off Cliffs And Die Because They Thought They Could Fly?


4 Answers

Jewelly A. Shetka Profile
Doubtful.   Fall off, yes.  Jump off....there's no reason to think
that the Dodo was a diving bird.  Though, one ragged
museum specimen and some bones don't answer all
the questions.   It does stand to reason, though, if the Dodo
could have dove into the water for safety, the species might
have survived longer
(The Dodo was discovered in the late 1500s or early 1600s.
It is believed to have been extinct by the mid 1600s.   Believed to
be due to human hunting, as well as the introduction of rats and pigs).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes the dodo could jump
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes and no the dodo bird did that ether because it fell off or because of the wind blew it off the cliff

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