
What Is Wrong With My Dog, It Keeps Vomiting And Shivering, And Can't Move Legs?


5 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
There are number of reasons that a dog will vomit and shiver, and not be able to move its legs. Whatever the reason it is important that the dog is taken to a vet immediately to establish the cause of the problem, and hopefully there will be a treatment that can be administered to the animal to cure it.

One of the reasons the dog could be behaving in this way is if it has eaten a fruit that it has an allergic reaction to. Certain fruits, like avocado, can be toxic to dogs, especially if the dog eats the pit of the fruit. These can cause an intestinal blockage, causing vomiting and diarrhoea. The dog will also become lethargic with this problem.

Another, and more likely, possibility is Lyme's disease. This disease will give the dog swollen joints and a loss of appetite. The swollen joints can lead to lameness and this can shift from one leg to the other. The glands of the dog will also become swollen and they may develop a fever. Bacteria that are transferred to the dog through tick bites cause Lyme's disease. Once the bacteria are in the bloodstream it spreads to many parts of the body.

Unfortunately, most dogs can have Lyme's disease for up to 12 months before they start to show symptoms of it, and by then it can be widespread in the body. A vet can only make the diagnosis through blood testing. It can be controlled with an antibiotic and can take a lengthy course of the treatment to cure the disease.

The general rule is the earlier the detection the quicker the cure will work. To prevent Lyme's disease it is important to groom your dog regularly to detect ticks, and prompt removal of any ticks will help to prevent a case of Lyme's disease.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog Just Went Through That About 3 weeks ago. It Is Called Hypoglycemic Shock When Your Animal Is Literally Paralized. This Hypoglycemic Shock can go horribly wrong where your dog can be paralized or die even.  Please RUSh Your Animal To The Nearest Vet In town Because It Needs Constant Watch And Some MUST DO Instructions. Ok. So PLease Take Your Dog To The Vet as soon as possible.

Have A Wonderful Day
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog/female/.small/ 6yrs [speyed]is undergoing  strict dietery treatment for pancreasitus on Vetinary advice.She shows periodic loss of appetite and sickness which recovers  then it reappears again after two three or  weeks.This has happened several times..,
She also now has a worrying behaviour habit ,which occurs frequently after  eating,, when she goes around the house continually licking the floor or soft furnishing.[lConsequently  some hair reappearls iin her stools]Her diet.consists of plain boiled rice[half a cupful] with a small quantity of plain chopped  boiled mince chicken.We give her this quantity three times a day...when she recovers her appetite enough and shows interest. In food.
We can manage the food regime,but are at a loss to know what to do about the licking!
Any suggestions or advice with the food or licking? Many thanks from us.and Sandy[our dog
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It could be due to some dog is under same is under treatment....just check if it has watering eyes....and swelling over the neck...if it is so take her immediately to doctor...

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