My mom, brother, sister and I all want a dog. We used to have a Siberian Husky, but it passed away 7 years ago. My dad says there's no point in owning a dog. How can I convince my dad that we should get a dog?


2 Answers

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

There has to be a certain reason behind his decision, specially when everyone wants one expect the father of the house. You gotta hit the bottom line so you need to realize that reason and get around it.

Try to talk about it's advantages and the positive sides of having a dog also inform him that everybody in the house, anyone who voting for owning a dog would take the responsibility perfectly and it wouldn't become a bothering point at all.

4 People thanked the writer.
EBBe lau
EBBe lau commented
Okay, but are there any good websites where I can find pros and cons?
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
Unfortunately i don't have any source, but if you search on the net (Google) you will be connected to so many sources.
Jahdai James
Jahdai James commented
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Remind your dad that whether or not to own a dog is not simply an intellectual decision anymore than liking chocolate more than vanilla is. (or substitute any flavors you choose)

And your favorite subject in school involves what you want to do, not just what it might be "best" or "useful" for you to study.

In other words, what you want and what you like are at least---if not more---as important in the decision to have a dog.

Ask your dad how much what you really want is important to him.

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