
My Rabbit Is A Picky Eater, What To Do?


2 Answers

Lys Profile
Lys answered
Depends on what you mean by picky. Two of my three are as well, and one lived a healthy 11 years that way. If by picky you mean you truly question whether he's getting his nurishement, try a rabbit pellet that contains all the things they need in it, such as Martin's (they seem to love it). That way they can't pick out the stuff they don't like. Keep an eye on their behaviour, physical appearance and stools. If their poop is round and big and not too soft, and they seem to be active, happy and thriving, chances are, even if they aren't eating as much as the books would have you believe, they're okay.  Two of my rabbits hate timmothy and alph alpha. One basically NEVER ate it (the 11 year old one) and the other goes in steaks, and she's  6 and still goes strong.  But if the rabit's poop isn't healthy and it's lathargic or seems not healthy to you, the BESt thing you can do is check with your local vet. If the rabbit turns out to be healthy, then don't worry about if it's picky.  One of my rabbits was so picky he insisted on a particular brand of lettuce and a paticular way he wished me to cut his carrots and apples (peeled and cored, nothing less and iceberg lettuce only). Perhaps trying different brand of things, you might find one that agrees with him.  Good luck!

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