
When my sister leaves to go to work in the morning her cat always cries... Does anyone know why?


2 Answers

Ricky Steadman Profile
Ricky Steadman answered

If you're talking about why they meeeeeeeeaaaaaw all day long, it
could be a mating-call type of noise if they havn't been
spayed/neutered. If they have, many cats will still do this because they
are just lonely or want attention or maybe they have a stomach ache or

My cat does it before she throws up if she ate too much or
got into people food. She also does it all night if I shut the bedroom
door because she's lonely and wants in. Good luck!         

Emily Rivers Profile
Emily Rivers answered

I think it's really possible that your sister's cat always cries when she leaves for work because it's lonely!

Although cats are quite solitary animals, they do need some interaction, just like we do! So when your sister goes off to work, her cat is probably sad at being left alone, which is why it cries. That sound can signify that they're unhappy with being left alone, and there are other reasons that go hand in hand with this:

  • Stress
  • Cry for attention

Ask your sister to watch out for these other signals that her cat is lonely:

  • Destructiveness. If she's coming home to boxes, cushions or furniture shredded, this can be a sign of boredom and loneliness.
  • Aggressiveness. If your sister notices that before the cat cries he or she is being pretty aggressive towards her, this could be another sign.
  • Over-grooming. Watch out for excessive fur-pulling or over-cleaning, because this can show they want more attention.
  • Spraying. If the cat is marking your sister's home with urine of faeces, this is a way of it trying to get your sister's attention that it doesn't like being left alone when she goes to work.
It's a shame that your sister's cat cries when she leaves to go to work. Would your sister consider getting him/her a companion? This would sure stop him/her from crying.

You might want to have a look at this page about cats that cry/meow excessively:

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