
What Eats A Wolf?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Only a few things: Vultures (providing there dead) and grizzly bears and probably any other preditor that found it (again if there dead)
Mike Profile
Mike answered
Probably Grizzly bears given the fact that they inhabit the same territory.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A bear because they are carnivore
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Grizzly bear
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if the wolf is already dead then scavengers such as vultures ,crows and insects.
Christina T. Profile
Christina T. answered
Nothing eats a wolf except if it is dead then vultures or whatever, but the only enemy it has are humans. Another serious threat is human encroachment into wolf territory, which leads to habitat loss for wolves and their prey species.

The most common cause of death for wolves is conflict with people over livestock losses. While wolf predation on livestock is fairly uncommon, wolves that do prey on them are often killed to protect the livestock.Overall, the greatest threat to wolves is people's fear and misunderstanding about the species. Many fairy tales and myths tend to misrepresent wolves as villainous, dangerous creatures, but they are very, very sweet once you get to know them, but I wouldn't recommend going up to any strange wolves alone, it may attack.

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