My Cat Has The Worms That Look Like Rice, What To Do?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am not sure what that guy down there is going on about, but I'll try to answer your question for you. I am a veterinary technician. First of all, you need to determine what kind of worms your cat has---tapeworms are the most common, and look like small grains of rice in the stool. Roundworms are also common, and look like spaghetti. There are also hookworms, and the less common but more dangerous Coccidia parasite.

Hooks, tapes, and roundworms are treated with a tablet called Drontal Plus. There is also a liquid called Strongid that treats them, but it is used less often these days.

Coccidia (which you cannot see in the stool) is treated with a drug called Albon.

These are prescriptions that you would need to obtain from your veterinarian. The over the counter "dewormer" you see in the petstore is ineffective and can actually harm your pet.

Your vet is going to ask for a sample of your cat's stool. Get one out of the litterbox, and describe to them what you are seeing in the stool. If they are nice, they will examine the stool and prescribe you medication based on that, without you having to bring your cat in for an exam, which really isn't necessary for intestinal parasites, unless your cat has loss of energy or appetite, or diarrhea/vomiting. Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How you get rid of worms depends greatly upon what kind of worms you think you or your pet may have. Now is when the questions arises, can I get worms from my cat or dog? The answer is yes, but in most cases, it would take a big of work to actually contract the same worm. For instance, in order to get tapeworm you would have to somehow digest a flea that had eaten tapeworm eggs that had come out of your dog or cat's feces. Similarly, in order to get roundworm, you have to come into contact with and digest some of your pet's fecal matter in order to get the eggs into your system. Hookworm infections are rare in the States because we wear shoes, and a great number of human infections by hookworm are caused by walking on the feces of an infected individual--this is quite common in developing countries. Anyway, you've come here hoping to learn how to get rid of worms, otherwise known as intestinal parasites or intestinal worms. Below, I've described 5 of the most common "worms" that people and pets can get here in the United States, along with the most effective cure for worms,
Tiffany Profile
Tiffany answered
Hi! He needs to be treated for Worms, more than likely these are tape worms. And they can be spread from animal to animal. Store bought products are ok, but do not work as well. There are different types of worms, and de-wormers. The least expensive is a liquid wormer, pyrantel. Drontal is more expensive but does the job! Talk with your vet, and if you don't have 1 please seek out someone with good experience!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can buy "people" deworming treatment and give it to your cat the same as you would a human every 10 days for three treatments. It's an over the counter treatment.
Hello Boss Profile
Hello Boss answered
You should use a wormer medication on a regular schedule for all of your pets to decrease the chance of spreading them from 1 animal to another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pyrantel, however, doesn't treat tapeworms. The wormer at pet stores was more expensive than the medication I buy at the vet, which was Drontel. Identifying what species of parasite is important as well. Call your vet and ask if they'll charge you just to identify the worms in a bagged stool sample or identify them yourself by looking at pictures online. You will also need to tell them the weight of your animals so they can sell you the correct dosage. It's inexpensive and easy to use.
Please don't put Percy outside =( His infestation will only get worse if untreated and he could pick up something worse outside. With such a bad infestation, it's almost guaranteed that your other cats already have worms as well, especially if you allow them to go outside. I wouldn't be too worried about your dog unless he has eaten the cat's feces or licks the cats. If you're not sure, than worm your pooch as well. The other cats can get larval worms from cleaning their paws after stepping in the litter box, so I would worm them as well. You will have to throw out the litter already in the cat box and wipe down the entire thing with bleach after you treat the cats with medication. Let the bleach sit for a few minutes before you rinse it. Clean any urine and feces from the litter box as soon as possible after any cat uses it by scooping it out along with the litter directly around and under it. You will want to continue this until after the second dose of wormer, two weeks after the first dose.
Tiffany Profile
Tiffany answered
Ok, 1st of al YES, he can be a threat to your other pets, inside or out he will keep the worms until he is treated. There is a wormer at a vets office Called Pyrantel it is very cheap! My office sells it at no more than $6.00 for just a few CCs. Depending on the weight of your cat he should only need 1CC. I suggest going and buying a couple CCs of this, just tell the Vet you have a couple of kittens and you would like to buy some Liquid Wormer to treat them. Some meds from WALMART or pet stores work, but not always. It is important to have these treated, humans can also get worms, Sounds CRAZY I know! Depending on the type of worm that it is. ROUND,WHIP,TAPE is just a few. Heartworms can be FATAL, and depending on how much your cat have could cause some serious problems. Try getting enough of the wormer to treat all of your pets. It is very important!!!!  Check with an animal shelter for a voucher to get in to see the VET. Or some vets will work with you on a payment plan. But I can not stress how important it is to have this looked at!
Lili Ram Profile
Lili Ram answered
Hi there,you have to take him to the vet..they will give you a pill called the de-wormer ,if you can't afford taking your cat to the vet then maybe you can ask the vet to just sell you the pill which isn't too expensive and tell you the instructions.:-)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Over the counter medication can work if the worms are identified correctly.  Also there is a chance that your kitten has multiple intestinal parasites but you are only seeing one type in the stool.  Tapeworms are transmitted when cats eat infected fleas so if this is the problem you will need to treat for fleas as well.  Yes your other animals are at risk--transmission is typically fecal-oral or from infected soil.  
It would be best to have your kitten and a fecal sample examined by a veterinarian.  Identifying the problem and starting appropriate treatment will save you money in the long run.  Call your local shelter to see if they run a low cost or income based clinic.
Jana (rhymes with banana) Profile
Over the counter products are not strong enough for what looks like a pretty bad infestation, you need to go to the vet and get a RX for the medication, because the worms are starving your cat and will not go away on their own.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Our cats have white like worms that cameoff in our bed when they dried they looked like sesame seeds. Help!!!!!

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