
Why has my westie started to drink more water these last few days?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When my cat started drinking a lot more water I took her to a vet and she had a bladder infection. This could be the reason your dog is drinking more water.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
You should see your vet. It can be signs of infection or something like thyroid or diabetes or kidney trouble and things like that. Westies can be prone to urinary tract issues, bladder cancer, Addison's and EPI (Pancreatic enzyme deficiency) to name a few so you want to check out a sign like that asap (in any dog). I hope it's nothing and your baby is okay. Good Luck.
Arun  kumar Profile
Arun kumar answered
May be due to humidity
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe because your westie is too thirsty.

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