How Much Space Do Chickens Need?


5 Answers

James Kuykendall Profile
Enough room to roam around and scratch ,eat bugs and  whatever else they can find to eat . A space about the size of a yard .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chickens Generally do not need much space. A small " ark " is sometimes sufficient for 4. On average, 1m2 per chicken is ok. If you got an eglu or something, you can keep up to four chickens in the smallest of spaces. Enjoy your chicken keeping.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends on the size o f the chicken mate
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
Not a lot since they are usually hiding in the corner because they are Chicken! Lol Chickens are very messy and noisy so it depends on how much mess and noise you like in a small area.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

If you keep your own hens opinions vary on the matter of the space required per hen. If they have regular access to the outdoors then their coop should offer at least 2 sq feet per bird. Some say as much as 10 sq feet. That would mean a coop for a dozen birds should measure something between 4 feet x 3 feet to 10 feet by 12 feet, a pretty massive difference. Hens kept in overcrowded conditions will not lay so well and disease if it gets into your flock will spread more easily. Most henkeepers say that a less dense flock makes for a far less smelly coop. Large scale egg producers are bound by rules. The battery hen cage which houses four or five birds and offers the equivalent space of a sheet of A4 paper per bird is being banned by EU rules from 2012.

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