My Dog Ate A High Blood Pressure Pill. Is It Harmful?


9 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
If somehow your dog has eaten one of your blood pressure pills, this is definitely a cause for concern. One of the biggest variables as to how much trouble your dog could be in is the weight of the animal. Smaller dogs could get sick very quickly while larger dogs may take longer to show signs of distress or they may not be bothered by the pill at all. Regardless, it is in your best interest to either take the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible or induce vomiting in your dog so the pill does not have time to  hit the animal's bloodstream.

One way to get your dog to vomit is to either make it drink hydrogen peroxide or force it down his throat if they are not willing to drink it. The size of the dog matters as to how much you should make them drink. A smaller dog under ten pounds should not drink more than one half of a cup. A dog that is from around eleven pounds up to thirty pounds in weight should drink about one cup, and dogs over thirty pounds in weight may drink up to a cup and a half of hydrogen peroxide.

Now wait up to 10 minutes for the dog to regurgitate the contents of their stomach. The pill should come up intact unless you waited too long to induce vomiting. Now simply keep a close eye on your dog for the next day or so. If they shows signs of distress go ahead and pay a visit to your local veterinarian. If your dog has ingested a blood pressure pill or any other sort of medicine, it could have serious effects on your pet, so it is best to make an error on the safe side.
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Tara Stover
Tara Stover commented
While you are correct about hydrogen peroxide inducing vomiting I am afraid your way OFF on the dosage. I had to induce vomiting in my dog & per his vet, and the vet at the Ohio State University Emergency Animal Hospital (my dog weighted 50lbs at the time), you use 10ml (on a medication syringe/dropper) & if vomiting is not induced within 10 mins, repeat 10ml more. This should work. Do NOT give a 3rd dose! If anyone gives their dog an entire cup of peroxide (even a half a cup), your going to have a entirely different problem on your hands & will be lucky if your dog survives!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have not mentioned the age and weight of your dog and brand of medication but hopefully it should not be harmful considering one blood pressure pill. If you keep your medications open like this is not good. Some medications are very harmful even if it is single pill. All the medication should be beyond the reach of children and pets. So make it a rule for the future. Best luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This medication is not used in main stream veterinary medicine.  I have found one anecdotal mention regarding the dog dose of this medication--it is 0.1 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.  So for dogs this is a big overdose--the extent is weight related.
I would call the ASCPA's Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435--they have the most extensive animal toxicology database and veterinary toxicologists.  They can give you specific information about the risk to your dog and treatment needed.  There is a $60 fee.

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Anonymous commented
My dog is a 5-month old havanese and weighs 5 1/2 pounds.
Anonymous commented
I would have expected your dog to show signs of illness by now if it ate this medication 2-3 days ago. It is also possible the puppy did not ingest it and it just fell to the floor. Glad the puppy is doing ok!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not a vet, and don't know how much your dog weighs, so I can't answer your question about the health of your your dog.  You might want to make sure that your dog has access to the the outside or an Indoor Dog Potty, as I think some bloodpressure pills are diuretics and may cause some abnormal urination at some point.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
My dog is a toy mixed breed and is 6 and a half pounds he is resting very often after taking the pills. What can i do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your five month old puppy ate a high blood pressure pill then yes it is very harmful to it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What do you think or put it like this what would happen if YOU ate the high blood pressure pill? Yah I know what would happen.

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