What Does The Common Lizard Eat And How Do They Drink Water?


15 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Lizards usually eat crickets, worms, iguanas and leafy vegetables. Lizards in Southeast Asian countries also like bugs to eat. A lizard which is very large in size can even eat small animals like mice. However, it is better to prevent giving it fireflies. Some lizards also like spiders. Interestingly, there are lizards which eat other lizards.

Lizards can look the food through their eyes but they can also smell food. They have teeth and they can also chew food. For giving water to lizards you can put water in a plate or cup and it will drink.

thanked the writer.
A Young
A Young commented
It really depends on the type of lizard that you have found. Take a picture to a local vet, pet store, or shelter and ask if they know what kind it is. Different kinds of lizards require VERY different types of food, housing, and care. If it is a baby, and not just a small lizard you should be able to find the proper type of care and your child can enjoy a pet, but if it is an adult he may not be able to assimilate into being cared for. What is wild wants to continue to be wild.
amber Jhon
amber Jhon commented
Yes very rightly said!
Amy Keating Profile
Amy Keating answered
IT depends on what kind of lizard it is. Normally it would eat insects of some kind like meal worms or crickets or even locusts. Most lizards don't drink water, but get their water from the food they eat, but its always best to have some water in the enviorment they are in. But again, it depends on what breed your lizard is to what insects it would eat for its normally from which habitat they lived in
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi my name is sarah. Here is what you do. Give him a nice bed. Make shure the lizard can breath. They eat any sort of small insect and some times vegetables.
nickie fitzgerald Profile
They eat insects and the drink water that they find in plants or on the ground. Flies are good to feed them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat insects and drinks water but if you want them as a pet put them in a worm place like me I put them in a little ball and put a light in the top and my lizard loves it las under it for so long or in summer put it right under the sun they love that to
Mark Steel Profile
Mark Steel answered
It depends on the lizard, its age, its size, and a lot of other factors.Some are vegetarian, some are carnivores, some are omnivores, and still others are scavengers. The most common in the US, the Anole lizards (the smooth skinned green or brown color-changing varieties), will eat pretty much anything from apples to smaller lizards.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you live in Florida, the best thing to give them is their "diet food" such as plants and grass. If that doesn't work give them chopped worms ;P.
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Most species of lizards are carnivorous or omnivorous creatures belonging to the class of reptiles (Sauropsida); a few kinds of lizards like the iguana are herbivorous in nature. The main food of lizards is different kinds of insects like crickets, bugs, moths, ants, termites and flies which they can consume in large quantities at a time.

Bigger lizards have been known to eat rodents, spiders, snails, earthworms and even birds while the Komodo Dragon the largest of the lizards found in Indonesia and which can grow to a length of 10 ft can take down an animal as large as a deer or pig. Iguanas consume plants like mustard greens, turnip greens and escarole as well as fruits and on account of their adaptability are popular as pets.

Some species of lizards can swim in water and are known to enter ponds or lakes to escape from predators or forage for water insects and small fish. Most species of lizards are equipped with strong jaws and teeth and rely on their sense of smell and vision to find their food; some species like the Gila Monster and the Beaded Lizard of Mexico use venom for hunting purposes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat flies and and water and basically any insect that is found on the ground but if you get crickets or some of the other bugs they might have diseases so buy crickets and check what other bug might have diseases
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lizard are Omnivores. They mostly feed on crickets, salad (no ice burg lettuce, kale is good as well), flies, meal-worms, wax worms, night crawlers, and regular worms. Lizards are great pets but you have to have a big cage and a good environment. I recommend a water dragon, they're easy to take care of. But you also have to make sure that you have the right kind of heating. They need basking lights of 95 degrees, night lights of whatever the lizard needs, and they also need normal lighting of 75-85 degrees. You also need their water to be filtered. You might want to buy one because you don't want to have to change it a lot. You might want to have a big stretch of water because they're swimming creatures, no tap please. You can also look up on the computer about putting milk carton and water proof wire as a fake floor. It's complicated, so look up how to make vivariums (rescuing is good).
Daniel Tagliento Profile
Breakfast is a must...maybe some leftovers from insects captured last night...brunch if stumbling over an early worm...lunch by noon on water seeking smallier reptiles and itself for dinner when captured by a fox or bird, The End.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I live in So Cal and found a maimed lizard I think my cat left for playtime for later.  I put him into a large glass bowl so he will be warm and I put a big rock in there. He's on the rock basking in the sun and it raises him above the water in there where he can get to it.  I may feed him dried beta worms I have left over and see if he'll eat those.  If you need insects just put out a pan of water and they always get on the surface of it. I'm planning to put a stick in there he can climb up on. Hope it works. He's got to stay outside though! LOL
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I caught a lizzard today and don't know what to feed it can some 1 help me.              The lizzard is about  3inches and it has a small room do I get a bigger house for the lizzard?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need help...my bro as a lizzard we have a cage for it but I need to no what it eats.....I live in florida...its green and its and size of my index finger...its wild
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Live in florida and found two lizards about froze to death. Brought them in and placed under a light to warm them up. Any recommendations on food I could give them? Can't really find bugs and flies outside in this cold snap of ours.

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