What Can Finches Eat?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They absolutely love Peanut Butter!
Hope I helped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't give them avacado-  a friend of mine did this and it killed her finch.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Finches can eat a wide range of things. I give them wheat bread, which they love! Keep doing research, but I find that if you feed your finch a variety of items (that are safe for them, they might very well live longer happier lives.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I found a baby one and took care of it feeding it some small slugs I found on WET AND RAINY nights.
Kathryn Fredericks Profile
I don't have a finch but I have a budgie. And she LOVES spray millet. You can buy them at pet stores or grocery stores.
Hope I helped!

Ethan Profile
Ethan answered
I give my finches coriander and parsley they go crazy for it.

Hope I helped!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Finches eat bird seed, water, and cuttle fish. I recommend that you keep you Finch in a large bird cage so they can rome around. Sometimes you can feed your Finch a worm , but they rarely eat it.

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