Can You Give A Dog Benadryl For Itching?


16 Answers

Alex Wheeler Profile
Alex Wheeler answered
It can be fine to give your dog Bnadryl but it is highly recommended to consult your vet before doing so.
Your vet will either suggest a dosage of Bnadryl or discourage you from giving it to your dog, as in some animals it can be damaging.
Benadryl is primarily aimed at humans so it can be highly dangerous to dogs if given at a high dosage; the amount a dog should be given depends on varying factors including the animals weight and health etc.
There is no breed of dog that can or can’t have Bnadryl, which is why it is definitely a must to at the very least call your vet to consult him or her about your dog’s condition.

Another reason why you should consult a vet is that the itching could be a sign of a condition which Benadryl cannot cure. If this is the case than administering Bendaryl is useless and may cause your dog unnecessary harm.

Whenever you are thinking of feeding you dog any human pain killers or medicines ALWAYS consult your vet first. These medicines were created for humans, not dogs and so some pills and treatments could simply make the dog worse. If you are ever in doubt about using any type of medication on your dog then do some research and talk to an expert.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes you can give Benadryl to dogs.  The dose is 1 milligram per kilogram of body weight given orally every 8-12 hours.  Do NOT use the Cold and Sinus variety--only plain Benadryl is safe.  It comes in 25 milligram capsules and a Children's Liquid.  Benadryl can cause drowsiness.
If this does not help or these bumps do not resolve in 2 days your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian to find the underlying cause of the bumps and look for any secondary infections (bacterial, yeast, mites).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes topical Benadryl can be used in dogs--it works best in a shampoo formulation. 
Allergies require multi-modal care.  The rash you are describing will probably not respond to topical anti-histamines alone.  Often a secondary infection (yeast, bacteria, mites) develop and needs to be treated.  Oral anti-histamines and omega-3 fatty acids work better than topical.  Depending upon the severity oral steroids may be used for a short time to get the itching and inflammation under control.  Of course appropriate flea preventative needs to be initiated.  If your home is infested it will need to be treated too.
Have your dog examined by a veterinarian so an allergy treatment plan can be developed.  Allergies are about control not cure.
Do not give any medications at home without consulting with your veterinarian to make sure you are using a safe medication at a correct dose.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Benardryl cream contains diphenhydramine, which is used for treating different kinds of allergies. If a dog is suffering from a reaction to fleas or bad skin due to some other reason, you can give it benadryl cream. However, if the dog experiences symptoms like agitation, sleepiness, vomitting or diarrhoea, you should contact a veterinarian immediately.
courtney Profile
courtney answered
Yes, you can my boxer charlie broke out in hives all over his body and he was non stop itching and I took him to the vet she said that benadryl is the best and only thing you can give your dog, you need to know how much your dog weighs, my boxer weighs 53lbs so the vet told me to give him 50 mg of benadryl so if your dog is half then 25 mg, he probably got stung or got bit by a bug, hope that helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know about the cream, but I know you can give her a childs dose of regular benadryl. You might want to try a vinager water bath it is soothing to the skin unlike harsh soaps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First which heartworm treatment?  The one where the vet gives 3 shots of Immiticide over several weeks or the one where you do it yourself giving Ivermectin over a period of 18 months?

If you vet is treating your dog; seek advice on giving additional meds from the vet.  If you are doing the slow kill method by giving Ivermectin and Doxycycline then giving Benedryl (Diphenhydramine) will relieve some of the allergic reactions.

I do not give any liquid forms of Benedryl due to the alcohol content (not good for pets).  See
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Yes, it depends on how big the dog is though. You should call the vet about this, but make sure you can tell them how much the pup weighs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes but it depends on what you use it for. I would ask a doctor to see what dose the dog gets based on their weight and height.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anything with Benzocaine is a no-no.  I'm just finding that out myself.  Causes harm to red blood cells

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