
What Small Insects Jump?


5 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
There are lots of small insects which jump, ranging from tiny bugs like froghoppers and flees to more common insects such as crickets and grasshoppers. Below is a list with information about a selection of the most common jumping insects:

- Grasshoppers are one of the most well-known jumping insects. They can jump up to 25 times the length of their body. They jump using their back springy legs.
- Praying Mantises are less known for jumping than grasshoppers and do spend more time walking than other jumping insects; but they do frequently jump.
- Crickets are very similar to grasshoppers, but are well known for their distinct noise which is often heard at dusk. They too can jump a long way.
- Flees are one of the most well-known jumping insects. They live on animals and feed on the blood of the host animal. They cannot live for long off humans however.
- There are many types of spider which jump. Some jump as a hunting method whereas some just jump to get around quicker and easier (usually these are ones which live in rough areas).
- Froghoppers are common jumping insects. They are quite small and difficult to see. They are commonly found in the weeks after they are first born as the nymph is covered in a foamy spit like substance usually on plants or grasses.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of jumping insects; in fact there are many more. This is a selection of some of the most common which can be found in gardens and woodland around the home.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Do you have a pet? Just an estimated guess, but that sounds like fleas to me. Could be ticks too, I can't say for sure, but if you have either of them, you need to do some serious house cleaning. Hope this helps, good  luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here are few insects which can jump a well.
  • Fleas
  • Grasshopper
  • Cricket
  • Katydid
  • Mantis
  • Walking Stock
If you want to see there picture then go to following site

Jumping Insects

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It could either be wood-ticks, leaf-hoppers, grasshopper larvae, or Jiggers.

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