
What Do You Do If Your Dog Eats Carpet Cleaner?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If it is resolve triple action, the poison control told me its ok not to take to the vet because its just peroxide soap and some other things... The concern it if they start vomiting and having diahrea for extended period of time, then take to vet. But give them a peice of food to help absorp it and they should be good. Mine seems to be ok, maybe a tummy ache.
John Profile
John answered
Depends on the cleaner and if the dog gets sick/ill. Then I would take it to a vet if I was worried.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
You call your vet so they can get the details and try to figure out whether it was likely to be a toxic amount. If you go take the package if you can. When you call they may give emergency instructions on how to try and keep as much as possible from absorbing into the system (different for different things) if it's possible. Some things are not safe to try and bring back up in that manner and the vet will need to use a different method. Poisoning does not always show up immediately so it's best to consult your vet now because if it's a few days or a week from now there may have been a lot of damage done, too much. Hope your baby is okay.

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