
What Was The First Antivenom Developed Against Snake Venom?


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Snake Antivenom is a manmade biological product used in the treatment of venomous snake bites.
The first antivenom for snakes (called an anti-ophidic serum or the calmette's serum) was developed by Albert Calmette, a French physician ,bacteriologist and immunologist of the Pasteur Institute in 1895, against the Indian Cobra (Naja naja). He developed the first antivenom for snake bites using immune sera from vaccinated horse. Antivenom treatment is basically a vaccine process developed by Louis Pasteur, the famous French microbiologist & chemist under whose associateship Calmette was conducting his researches. More than a century later, Calmette's serum is still the only specific treatment for envenoming.

The antivenom producers around the world use an improved version of the method originally devised by Pope in1938 for separating antivenom antibodies and their enzyme derivatives. Studies conducted between 1910 and 1930 revealed that the early antivenoms were sometimes very dangerous like the actual snake venom. A number of improvements have been made during the recent years in administering and producing antivenom.

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