
How Stop Dog Ripping Everything Up?


1 Answers

StormGirl Blue Profile
StormGirl Blue answered
Not sure if this is a puppy or a problem your having with an adult dog...

General suggestions..
  Make sure your dog has lots and lots of mental stimulation, a kibble ball is idea, but don't leave it with him. When your dog is going to alone and likely board ( this is when he will typically start to rip things apart ), give the kibble ball to your dog, and when you are home again take it back.. This is his "I'm going to be alone for a while what in heck am I going to do toy"). A kibble ball is a durable plastic ball that you are able to place kibble feed inside, the ball has chambers and the little buts of kibble drop out when it bumps it and rolls it the right way...

If your going out, skip his breakkie instead hide his food around yard, a few raw meaty bones.. Let him know your hiding some. Start my making it easy like you would a little kid on an easter egg hunt, ie near his food bowl, near his bedding where he can see it.. Then over a few weeks gradually make it harder to find around the yard, but not impossible..

Be sure he has plenty of his own toys, puppies especially need chew things for teething. Lay with him with his toys, be extra attentive that he knows you are giving them to, even have a special toy box.

Don't give in and let him keep things he has claimed.. When you take them off him, look at him sternly as you pick it up and say "no" and give him a Yes I learned to growl to train my dog.. Make a deep throat ed BUUUUUUUU sound
  Then immediately hand him one of his toys, when he takes his own toy tell him "good" with a high pitched happy sound.

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