Can Gerbils Have Almonds?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I asked a similar question and this is the best answer I got.
These are ok for Gerbils to eat, * are treats
*Dandelions (washed)
*Scrambled or boiled egg, only a small amount though
*Bits of Cheese
*Plain dog bisuits
*Some cereals, such as cheerios
*mealworms, dried (normally found in wild bird sections of pet shops)
*Millet spray (domestic bird section)
*Natural yoghurt

- Apple (seedless)
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Cauliflower leaves and stalks
- Cucumber
- Lettuce - small amounts occasionally - in excess it can cause liver problems
- Parsley - a good tonic
- Chickweek
- Clover

- Dandelion
- Yarrow
- Biscuits
- Boiled Potatoes
- Bread (fresh or stale)
- Breakfast Cereals (low fat)
- Cheese (small amounts occasionally as fattening)
- Currents
- Dog Biscuits
- Egg (scrambled or boiled)
- Mealworms
- Raisins
- Sultanas
- Toast

NOT safe:
They can have a bit of most fruit, berries that we eat and veg, but steer clear of the things below:

*Raw kidney beans
*Avacado pear
*Raw potato
*All plants from the garden other than dandelion

- Kidney Beans (raw)
- Onions - Destroys red blood cells
- Shallots - Destroys red blood cells
- Potato (raw)
- Potato tops
- Rhubarb (raw)
- Rhubarb leaves
- Tomato leaves
- Black nightshade
- Buttercups
- Clematis
- Daffodil
- Deadly nightshade
- Hemlock
- Hydrangea
- Ivy
- Laburnum
- Laurel
- Oleander
- Poinsettia
- Rhododendron
- Yew
- Yucca
- Chocolate
- Rabbit Mix (containing antibiotic ingredients)
- Sweets
- Toffee
- Avacado - Toxic to their hearts
- Garlic*
- Coltsfoot. Coltsfoot is very dangerous, DO NOT FEED as it can cause cancer and is hepatoxic (toxic to the kidneys of rodents)

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