
Why Is My Rabbit's Pee Orange?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't worry My rabbit pees all sorts of colors, but if you're really concerned get him checked out for an exam its about $25.00-$35.00. They'll feel your rabbit for anything that might be harming him. I have a girl and she pee's red and creamy white. I was really scared so I brought her to my vet, they said that it is normal for rabbits to do this in their diet. If you see any signs of your rabbit hurting when urinating take to a vet immediately.
Bunny Rabbit Slave Profile
When urine first comes out, it is supposed to be clear or a pale
yellow, but once it has been exposed to air for a while, it will oxidize and
turn orange in color, brownish, or reddish. This is normal.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hey thankx soooo...would you know what im suposed to feed her and what kind of shots or what not i need im a beginer and these web sites tell me diferent things but i love bunny and i want her to be healthy my vet coulndlnt tell me and the pet store im confused
Bunny Rabbit Slave
Nanny_tink: Rabbits do not need annual vaccines or shots. The most important food for adult rabbits is GRASS HAY (ex: Timothy hay) and NOT legume hay (ex: Alfalfa). She must have hay and FRESH WATER available to her EVERY DAY. She should also have fresh GREEN leafy vegetables daily (but not iceberg lettuce), 1/4 of a cup per pound, ex: 1 cup for a 4 lb rabbit. If you can't provide vegetables daily, she should have pellets containing 18 to 24 % fiber, with protein around 15%. Do not feed corn.
Bordelon Profile
Bordelon answered
I know that it has been a while since you posted this question but I used to raise rabbits for show and it could be that he/she is getting dehydrated. If you haven't brought it to the vet then try to give it some electrolytes in the water. You should be able to fins something at your local pet shop or feed store. You can also try to give it some saltine crackers cause the salt in the crackers will make it thirsty even more and will encourage it to drink more fluids.

If it is hot where you are and you keep your rabbit outside then freeze some water in 20oz. Coke bottles and lay them in the cage with the rabbit to keep it cool. If the pee is just a light orange then it is sometimes normal for the rabbit to have pee that is that color.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is because it is a healthy rabbit! If the rabbits pee is milky this means he is having too much calcium if the rabbits pee is dark or red it means it is marking its territory the way you can tell if its marking its territory is by smelling the pee if it smells VERY strong this is because it IS marking its territory and this is completely normal and healthy (and healthy if it doesnt do this!)but if the reddish pee is coming out in kind of blobs this is blood and I recommend going to your nearest vet ASAP!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My bunny has the same problem and I thought it was blood to until today when I read this.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rabbits normally have urine that is orange or yellow in color. This is normal.
Rabbits should be fed timothy hay-this should be
available at all times. A high quality pelleted rabbit diet
should also be fed. Treats, fruits, and vegetables should be
fed sparingly comprising no more than 10% of the diet. Water
should be available at all times.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
10.0pt>Yes dear!
10.0pt>Your rabbit is absolutely fine and there are a number of food stuffs which have pigments or colors in them that can turn the color of the pee of rabbit in to red or orange. If you think that it is blood then dear blood is usually in so small quantity that it is usually not distinguishable, therefore, reason of orange or red pee is not blood.
10.0pt>Rabbit urine
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok but I called my vet and the pet store and they told me it was from the carrot I gave her yesterday
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was giving my bunny a bath and I thought I saw blood on him,but we took him out and there was nothing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't worry it is natural for a bunny to pee like that my rabbit is a girl and she does that I was really scared so I took her to the vet and they said all bunny s do that people usually don't notice it because they pee in the wood chips.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It might be blood you should definitely get it checked out. Or it might be the change in the his diet. Did you feed him anything different? My male rabbit had the same problem. But you should get that checked out as soon as you can.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My rabbit has the same thing going on. There is nothing wrong with him though. My rabbit has seen the vet. He usually eats carrots everyday. If his urine is a light orange then he is fine. The urine also oxidizes once oxygen hits it. I see no reason to visit the vet. Especially if your rabbit is active as usual.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My rabbit is peeing orange too I think he`s sick.

.p.s check your spelling its pretty bad and I'm in 3rd grade

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