When Do I Start To Wean Shi Tzu Puppies?


2 Answers

shawn n/a Profile
shawn n/a answered
Most puppies are ready to wean off of mother's milk by eight weeks old. You will feed them softened puppy food. At that time, take them to the vet to be checked out, and he will gladly give you the regimine for when shots are needed and the whole de-worming process. Good Luck!
Cheryl Adkins Profile
Cheryl Adkins answered
Actually you can start to give them food once their teeth begin to come in at around 3 weeks.  You will have to give them very soft food at first until their teeth and jaws and appetites are stronger.  But eventually they start to wolf down their food and you can gradually give them harder food.  Of course if you want you can wait until the mother is ready to quit nursing them on her own.  She knows when it it is time for them to start becoming independent.  But nursing pups are a drain on the mother so supplementing their diet with solid food takes some of the strain off of her.  As to water, have it available to them and they will know what to do with it in no time.

I had a litter whose mother died when they were 3 weeks old and I gave  them a crash course in solid food eating.  They all grew up to be big healthy dogs.

Check with the vet on shots and such or visit the library for books on dog care or visit  www.drsfostersmith.com for a schedule of vaccinations and other info and items.

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