What Does A Snapping Turtle Eat And How Often Should They Be Fed?


24 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat almost what ever they can catch.
My snapping turtle eats vegetables and meats, so its basically an omnivore.
I give it chicken, carrots, un seasoned greens, etc.
So be careful, they will eat you if they can.
Also, keep house hold pets sort of away from the adult snapping turtles, they eat animals of all sorts also.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I found a snapping turtle on the road which got hit by a car. We fixed the jaw and fed it on a meek diet of crickets and tiny guppies and minnows until it became healthier and then fed it larger fish, but not too large. They were about the size of a small child's hand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Baby turtles need protein and calcium to grow, so try feeding it something that supplies those
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You didn't mention age of turtle...I suggest getting a good quality pellet food and also some greens like leaf lettuce or romaine (not iceburg lettuce!!) the back of turtle feed should tell you much to feed your turtle as for the greens just place in tank with turtle - they like fresh greens and change out when it get a lil old or if any is un eaten..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Definately DO NOT hand feed your turtle, you will lose a finger eventually and it make it associate you hand with food...not good obviously. If the turtle is small, try giving it small pellets, reptomin is probably the best brand, guppies, and small bits of earthworm would be good too. When its larger minnows should work well. Cooked pieces of chicken should work nicely too. Some snappers may eat veggies, but I can't get mine to eat them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well my friend found a baby alligator snapping turtle and I said awww.so they let me have it for the past 3hours I was tyring to feed it pellets because I have a yellow slider (a turtle) then it didnt eat.but they will eat  and eat any way they will eat meal worms and worms but not pellets also tad pols ext.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Water turtle should be fed with some food which is not used by humans. Most of the turtles eat vegetables in the sea so it is better you provide appropriate vegetable foods to them in water. The vegetables with leaf capabilities can be a good food for turtles.
Zehra Kamal Profile
Zehra Kamal answered
These big omnivorous animals will eat almost about anything. Some of their favorites include birds, fishes, ducks, frogs and even crickets and worms! So don't worry, you have a lot to offer to your snappy turtle :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mostly any thing they can catch including fish,birds, and baby ducks that are really sick or that are all ready dead
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You do not feed a snapper lettuce you feed him goldfish
I would feed him one or 2 a day
but he could go a week or 2 without eating
but I do not suggest to do that to him/her
mostly its unhealthy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A snapping turtle eats mostly meat(fish) and vegetables. My turtle eats let-is, and peas, sometimes let-is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Worms because they like anything that can fit in there mouths live mostly. Ive got a small snapper and also go to your closest pet smart and ask for worms or crickets and goldfish
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anything that fits in its mouth like bits of worms and veggies like cellerie and letice
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My snapper eats any I mean anything that has to do with meat snappers are mostly scavanger they're main diet is of dead and alive fish and anything alive that moves

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