How Do I Identify A Rattlesnake, Water Moccasin?


2 Answers

so-eun jung Profile
so-eun jung answered
The Water Moccasin and the Rattlesnake are very similar... In color and markings  
Like the first poster wrote the rattlesnake has a rattle...

Here is a picture of the water moccasin: Spends most of its time in the water, and is usually olive, brown, or black.  Cottonmouths will either stand their ground or crawl slowly away, as opposed to other water snakes which flee quickly or drop with a splash into the water.  When aroused, it will throw its head back with its mouth wide open, revealing the white lining that gives it its name.

Here is a picture of a rattlesnake: It has compact coils, a broad head, and a loud, buzzing rattle.  The telltale dark brown or black diamonds are outlined in yellow, and if approached, will often stand their ground rattling loudly, which is the cue to back away!

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