
How Can We Save The White Tigers?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By stop hunting them for their fur and STOP cutting down the trees!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People can stop cutting down trees and start respecting them and set up a stricter law for illegal hunting. First of all people should just stop killing them for there fur.Secondly JUST STOP AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!   =)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Help them by not killing them and saveing the forist where they live
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By not cutting down their homes which are the trees
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Save their habitat maney zoos help them today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!White tigers are very rarely found in the wild. Only 12 white tigers have been seen in the habitats of India in over 100 yeas. Almost all of the white Bengal tigers that are alive today are in captivity and there are very few in captivity. The white Bengal tiger is not a separate sub species of Bengal tiger and not an albino tiger. They are simply have pristine white colored fur, black stripes, blue eyes and a pink nos
Peka Skrepnyk
Peka Skrepnyk commented
Actually, you are incorrect anonymous person. There are exactly 200 white tigers left in the world today. But close to none have been seen in the wild for 50 years. He/she doesn't want to know this though, they want to know how to save them.

Here are some ways:

Because white tigers are being inbred they are also most likely to be born with major defects like cross eyes as well as cleft palates, spinal deformities, or clubbed feet. If we can get more white tigers out in the wild they may have more of a chance of surviving than in captivity.

We could also stop destroying their natural habitat.

There could also be a stricter law set up against hunting white tigers.

Poachers could be fined more than they are now.

White Tigers are worth $60,000, if there were anyway of getting that price down it would definitely help save them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

You can help
white tigers by refusing to visit any place that breeds them or uses them for
shows. This is because white tigers can only be reproduced by inbreeding with
close family members. Almost all of them are born with major defects like cross
eyes as well as cleft palates, spinal deformities, or clubbed feet.

For one thing, don’t
buy tiger products like white tiger fur or teeth because people kill white
tigers to sell these products. Also, help product the environment, because if
we don’t stop hurting the environment, the only white tigers left in the world
would be in captivity.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Magically of course!

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