
Are King Baboon Tarantula Spiders Deadly?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not deadly in the least, and in fact rely on their brute strength due to its humongous size. I handle my KB spider with my bare hands. We have already developed the neccesary trust issues with her. Some Kb's are mad at the world, and some (like mine) are gratiously comfortable with my hands all about the cage. Now and then I usually stroke one of her two furry back legs, which I have heard is good (if you have this bond with your spider) if your don't have the neccesary bond, I would not recomend putting your hand close not due to venom, but because its fangs can grow to be an inch long. Yes it will hurt, but the worst effect you could possibly feel is slightly sick (common cold like sympoms minus coughing, sneezing, and throwing up)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm sure  they just same as most tarantulas just bit more aggressive I have 6 but  only babies sure  if it bite you you wouldnt die

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